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New Sponsorship

We have the joy of watching kids grow up into young men and playing a small part in them reaching their dreams and goals. Anytime you talk to any of our guys, they have big plans and dreams for the future. They always have. It was just before they didn’t know how they were going to get there.

School is expensive in Uganda. One of the major reasons kids run away from their families is that they want to go to school and their families cannot provide school fees or requirements. Yes, there are government schools and the fees are free, but there are still uniforms and books and pens and so many other things that have to be catered for. Even lunch at school is paid for by the parents. If parents cannot pay, the kids study from 7am up to 5pm without eating. By paying school fees for our guys, it sets them on a path that isn’t available to every child in Uganda. It is the first step in helping them reach their goals.

We also believe in nurturing talents and hobbies. By doing so, we have found out that we have talented musicians, dancers, boxers, soccer players and artists. Supporting the guys talents is just another way for them to reach their goals and dreams.

These things are only possible because of the generous people that choose to sponsor. By sponsoring, you help us to provide an education, medical care, basic necessities, counselors, extracurricular actives, and an opportunity for the young men under our care to reach their goals.

For each kid in our care, it costs roughly $150-200 per month to provide all of those things. We heard a lot of you saying that you would love to sponsor and get to know one of the guys through letters and photos, but $50 or more each month was more than you could afford. So we have changed our sponsorship levels!

Now you can set the amount you can give each month starting at $15. We will consider the student fully sponsored when he reaches $150 in monthly support. Check out the page of students still needing sponsors, and use the button below to sign up or one on that page. We will be in touch shortly to confirm your sponsorship.

Thank you for partnering with us to help our young men reach their goals!